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PCLinuxOS 2010 E-17 (i586)

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Catalog#: 53016
Platform: i586
CD's: 1
Price: US $3.79
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PCLinuxOS is a free easy to use Linux-based Operating System for x86 desktops or laptops.

PCLinuxOS is distributed as a LiveCD, and can also be installed to your computer. The LiveCD mode lets you try PCLInuxOS without making any changes to your computer. If you like it, you can install the operating system to your hard drive. Locally installed versions of PCLinuxOS utilize the Advanced Packaging Tool (or APT), a package management system (originally from the Debian distribution), together with Synaptic, a GUI frontend to APT for easy software installation. PCLinuxOS has over 12,000 rpm software packages available from our software repository.

PCLinuxOS has a script called mylivecd, which allows the user to take a ’snapshot’ of their current hard drive installation (all settings, applications, documents, etc.) and compress it into an ISO CD/DVD image. This allows easy backup of a user’s data and also makes it easy to create your own custom live CD/DVD.

PCLinuxOS is also known as as rolling release distribution. What that means is you install once and update it when new applications become available from our repository.

PCLinuxOS has additional support for over 85 language through our simple Addlocale interface.

PCLinuxOS is safe and secure. You never have to worry about viruses, adware, malware or trojans infecting your computer with PCLinuxOS.

The PCLinuxOS distribution was founded October 24, 2003 by Texstar and headquarters are located in Houston, TX USA.

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