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Introduction to GUI Development
written November 1, 2024 by Time Traveler
Category: BlogEntry Tags: Introduction to GUI Development; Development; Graphical User Interface; #56
We have released a video giving an overview to developing several examples in the Graphical User Interface. For those that just want the zip, we will continue the overview below…
You can download the zip file here:
The video walks through setting up a development system, an overview of basic development concepts, and goes through 3 Graphical User Interface approaches - Xlib (X-windows), GTK, and Wayland. Each example shows how to get a window on the screen, and the fully commented source code is in the zip file. We point out that there was only 1 example ever written, which gets a window on the screen, and then everything else is built from that template. The zip file has those templates for X, GTK, and Wayland. The README.TXT from the zip is included below for reference, and the video link follows. How To Video - Introduction to GUI Development
File: README.txt
Files used in examples/video:,
build, hello.c,
buildx, hellox.c,
buildgtk, helloworldgtk.c,
buildwayland, hellowayland.c, xdg-shell-protocol.c
Introduction to GUI Development
(the Graphical User Interface)
To begin with, we are going to start with a very basic C program, to lay the groundwork for
development, and cover some very basic "getting started" foundational items.
We will be using our Debian USB Developer Collection from
All references will be on the Debian system and using the apt system (apt-get) to
install development tools, libraries, and header files.
We will indicate command line text by ending with "[Enter]"
Script code will be separated with ################## lines
Source code will be separated the /*********************/ lines
To start with, we use a new hard drive, install Debian 12.7.0 with ALL Desktop environments
(so we are able to test/work with different Window Managers/Desktop Environments)
Then we copy all the ISO files from the USB to the /opt/iso location, and as super user (root),
we mount all these iso files and add them to the sources.list for apt, so we have access
to ALL packages. The specific steps would be as follows:
1) su/password, run as root
2) cd /opt
3) mkdir iso
4) cd iso
5) cp /media/[user]/USB_Boot/boot/iso/*.iso . (THIS WILL TAKE AWHILE!)
6) cp /home/[user]/code/ .
7) ./
So one of the reasons for these details are to help people new to Linux to
understand what is needed to do development work. So where to start?
The Debian wiki has a Building Tutorial, so let's start there...
For reference, this is the site that covers modifying Debian source
As outlined there, the very first set of packages to be installed are listed.
Even if we aren't going to modify Debian packages, let's get these installed
so we have a good base for doing development work.
For required build tools, etc., make sure to install essentials, e.g.:
apt-get install build-essential fakeroot devscripts[Enter]
At this point, we can actually build (compile) source code and create
working programs. Let's do that with the basic Hello World! program.
See the build script and hello.c
#build script
echo "Begin..."
gcc -o helloworld hello.c
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Hello built!"
echo "gcc compile failed with exit code $?"
* hello.c
void main(void)
printf("Hello World!\n");
For the XLib / X-Window example (buildx, hellox.c) you will
need the X11 XLib headers and libraries. The Debian package is
"libx11-dev" - to install:
apt-get install libx11-dev[Enter]
The buildx script looks like this:
#buildx script
echo "Begin..."
#apt-get install libx11-dev
gcc -o helloworldx hellox.c
#gcc -o helloworldx hellox.c -lX11
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Hello built!"
echo "gcc compile failed with exit code $?"
As noted in the comments, this package is required
We won't be including the source code due to the increasing length,
so you have to reference the file directly - hellox.c
For the GTK example (buildgtk, helloworldgtk.c) you will
need the pkgconf (Package Configuration), and the GTK-4 headers
and libraries. The Debian packages are "pkgconf" and "libgtk-4-dev"
To install:
apt-get install pkgconf[Enter]
apt-get install libgtk-4-dev[Enter]
The buildgtk script looks like this:
#buildgtk script
echo "Begin..."
#apt-get install pkgconf
#apt-get install libgtk-4-dev
gcc $(pkg-config --cflags gtk4) -o helloworldgtk helloworldgtk.c $(pkg-config --libs gtk4)
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Hello built!"
echo "gcc compile failed with exit code $?"
For the wayland example (buildwayland, hellowayland.c) you will
need the wayland headers and libraries. The Debian package is
To install:
apt-get install libwayland-dev[Enter]
The buildwayland script looks like this:
#buildwayland script
echo "Begin..."
#apt-get install libwayland-dev
gcc -o hellowayland hellowayland.c xdg-shell-protocol.c -ggdb3 -lm -lwayland-client `pkg-config --cflags --libs pangocairo` `pkg-config --cflags --libs cairo`
#to build with full debug information add in -ggdb3
#gcc -o hellowayland hellowayland.c xdg-shell-protocol.c -ggdb3 -lm -lwayland-client `pkg-config --cflags --libs pangocairo` `pkg-config --cflags --libs cairo`
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Hello built!"
echo "gcc compile failed with exit code $?"
As one final note, we introduce valgrind, which is a development tool that can find memory leaks.
It is too involved to go into here, but we want your to be aware of it. Refer to valgrind
documentation and examples to learn about it. Note in these 4 examples, the high-level ones
(GTK/Wayland) have memory leaks, even though there is code to clean things up on exit.
apt-get install valgrind[Enter]
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